Somewhere outside of media hype, governmental/related organizational tall tales and WHO scare tactics lies the truth.
NTI* held a tabletop exercise in March 2021 with the title: “Strengthening Global Systems to prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats”
Monkeypox - A year ago, NTI held a tabletop exercise that was designed to create a worst case scenario exercise to create fear and the need to fund more pandemic response plans and initiatives. The group used an example of a lab-modified monkey pox as the example threat with a release date of May 15, 2022, which happens to be the same week that this current outbreak was announced. Coincidence?
Below is a link to the document from NTI .
*NTI- The Nuclear Threat Initiative is a “nonprofit, nonpartisan global security organization focused on reducing nuclear and biological threats imperiling humanity.”

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