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Spokane County and environs form the 99th largest MSA by population, but combines the best of both a large and small city environment. A large, rushing river runs through the County, with lakes and mountains within a half an hour drive. The community is home for four universities, a diversifying economy, significant…


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The Community Indicators Initiative of Spokane seeks to improve local, private and public decision-making by providing relevant data in an easily navigable website. The data will serve neutral information for all parties involved. More specifically, the goals are:

  • To collect and share a broad spectrum of information for individual community members, policy makers, non-governmental organizations, businesses, business organizations, researchers, and the press.
Featured Trend

Total Population and the Annual Growth Rate: Population growth comes from two sources: the "natural" growth of births outpacing deaths as well as net in-migration. These are estimates based on the most recent decennial Census (in this case, the year 2020 Census). Since these are estimates, and not actual counts, there is room for some error, although the methods used are standardized and tested to reduce the size of the error.