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Rags of Contentment

by Celer

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“I remember photos and negatives of sun-scorched Nepal scattered around the floor, notebooks written in randomly and seeming empty, and the evening lights of the outside night that seemed like they wouldn’t ever darken. We drove to Santa Ana over the 405 freeway to record the cars going by, but ended up watching the lights, buying whisky, and sitting the car listening to scratched Joanna Newsom CDRs and Eno’s Discreet Music. When the night was finally asleep and quiet, everything seemed still and the streets seemed dead, except for the swaying palm trees, and the glow from the kitchen light that was never turned off. Even the things that don’t exist anymore are still there, even if they aren’t apparent and obvious as much as they once were”.

Now available for the first time on CD in an edition of 222 copies as the inaugural release of DRONARIVM, it includes photography by Danielle Baquet-Long, and design by Rutger Zuydervelt (Machinefabriek).

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Note: Please always keep a backup of your download in an archive.


released February 10, 2009


all rights reserved



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