I discovered you on Twitter years back. The end game is to shut us the F up. The only reason Musk wants Twitter is to provide another place the 1% controls and the GOP can spread their lies. In my Bot experience when I vet, most are conservative or Maga accounts or the durn Russians which are basically the same dogs.


Musk makes me sick. Imperial. Money grown in the blood of South Africans in the days of great prejuidice. They rode on the backs of the majority by using minority rule.

Gosh how familiar that sounds except insert the 1% and GOP verses 84 million American voters.

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Clearly, we are now in an era where a business' politics will determine its future. Kowtow to Republicans and you will be just fine. Defy them and you will face investigations, subpoenas and blatantly unconstitutional legislation.

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Republicans hate America and freedom. They will do ANYTHING for a rich person if that person will vote for them. They have no values, no morals, and are completely beholden to the largest donors. They are not for the majority and they are pure evil. Everything they do is a performance. They are not interested in governing.

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Advice to Twitter board members - ignore the subpoena. Republicans have set a new standard with the January 6 Commission. Simply ignore subpoenas and call the investigation a "partisan witch hunt".

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The ring Is tightening. The Republican Party is again using both governmental and its political power to narrow the available means and methods of commerce and social connection. These attempts, from demeaning Kaepernick for kneeling, assaulting the Special Olympics in Florida and using police from all over Texas together with motorcycle gang thugs apparently deputized by the Uvalde police department, are specifically designed to deprive non radical citizens of the protection of law and of the use of our common facilities. The mayor of Uvalde cannot get information about the investigation there because he is “ not law enforcement”. And they are getting away with that claim. These acts by right wing Republicans amount to a rolling secession. We, if not acting to stop this, are royally screwed.

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Thank you Judd, as ever. You make it crystal clear that Republican leadership - with a few exceptions - is doing everything they can to further their interests except for the one thing they should be doing. Governing.

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Musk is leading the charge of the Republican ultra right to take control of the public narrative. Fox News is not enough. As a centrist, I am terrified.

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Many thanks to you and your team for enlightening us about the paths of money and power. This is a not-too-gentle reminder that power will grovel in the interest of money.

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It seems to me that Ken Paxton, as Texas Attorney General, now has a fiduciary duty to Texas pension plan participants, to use his office to force Musk to complete the sale so that they will benefit from the higher stock valuation. Perhaps you could mention this in the newsletter. Scott Fisher

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This is a scam by Elon Musk and the Republican Party.

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But, hey: free markets, amirite?

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